Stories inbound marketers love to read and share

Understanding your Buyer Persona: Are you better than the Nigerian Prince ?

Why is understanding your Buyer Persona important for Online Marketing Strategy? How do Nigerian Scammers and gurus like Neil Patel excel at this?

Gif Goof Gaffe

Read more to find out how Gifs can be compromise Email Marketing Campaigns.

Inbound Marketing - Marketing strategy for Manufacturing Units

Know why Inbound Marketing has become a go-to strategy for manufacturing units and a short case study.

7 Google Adwords Features You Might Not be Using

In this article, I am going to share with you 7 google ads features that can increase your google ads performance but you might not be using them so far.

How optimizing your Appexchange listing can boost revenue?

Here's how you can optimize the App-exchange listing and grow your revenue. Also know how to leverage app-exchange analytics to better understand user the behavior.

Inbound Marketing Agencies : A proliferation of choice

Do inbound marketing agencies today understand the essence of inbound marketing agencies? Read more to explore how inbound marketing has progressed across the ages.