Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn are all Social Media Marketing platforms. And all of them may just be following some of these laws.
I just connected to the latest pin-boarding platform - Pinterest. Following the excitement around this social media tool, I am happy to present my thoughts around Social Media Marketing platforms.
Laws around Social Media Marketing Platforms
- Better to be a platform user, than a platform creator.
- Early users making good use of a platform are at an advantage.
- All platforms are Information Filters, or Transaction Filters.
- Search Engine is also a platform.
- All platforms compete with each other for the same Ad revenue basket.
- Every new successful platform is threat to all existing platforms with same source of revenue.
- Any platform which is the craze now, will yield to the next platform.
- All platforms will interconnect at some time.
- Platform is like Fashion.
- Members of a platform share more than members of a Nation.
The above note has been adapted from an original write-up by Rohit Tripathy. He can be reached on twitter @tripathyr