Victorious once more.
2020 might just have had something to be happy about finally!!!
Since our 1st HubSpot Impact award, We've been participating regularly for the prestigious trophy, and we have been triumphant again.
Inbound Mantra has been awarded the 2020 HubSpot Impact award for Grow Better - Marketing category.
Our Lemon tree story of success reaffirms that Inbound Marketing takes time, but the results are inevitable and unbelievable.
Our march towards excellence has hit many bumps along the way, but recognitions like these keep us going and help us stay focused on the larger goal ahead of us.
There are two kinds of HubSpot Agencies in the world.
One, who do the work, and the other who do transformational work.
The HubSpot Impact awards recognise HubSpot Partners, who have transcended all expectations for their clients in areas of Design, Development, and of course, Marketing.
Scores and Comments - We've earned bragging rights this time!
Here's what the HubSpot Impacts awards committee Judges had to say about us:
"Love the lemon tree analogue! I'm glad Demand Tree stuck around despite the slow start in 2016/17, which is often the case with organic growth. Great work, Znbound!" - Says Judge #1
"Great job explaining how to apply the inbound methodology. Fantastic use of examples and a clear show of result on every tactic. Good work!" - Says Judge #2
To give you an overview and, quite honestly, to brag too, we scored 98.5/100 overall.

Those 1.5 marks cut by Judge 2 is a knife to our hearts, and we’re pursuing the judge to review our blog again. I mean, Why??? WE WANT A HUNDRED!
Renewed Energy - Sky is the limit
Every year, we aim to surpass what we had achieved previously, and our focus this year will be to be recognised at INBOUND 2020 - One of the largest inbound Marketing conferences on Earth.
We are grateful
As a HubSpot Partner, We are incredibly proud to have won this award, and we'd like to thank HubSpot for this recognition.
Our clients are our support pillars, and without them, we would never have won this award. Their collaborations help us work better so that we can help them 'Grow Better'.
Excitement is high; work is on a roll. Znbound is on a trek to the highest peak on the Inbound Marketing mountain, and there is no one to stop us.
We have worked tirelessly post the 1st award to be recognised again by the Inbound Marketing Giants, and honestly, in this year of Pandemic(challenging us to the core), even the smallest of successes help drive our motivation to the highest order.